Looking the Part

Building a Historical Wardrobe


Stage One: Guest

Beginner Stage; Brand new to events

(Disclaimer: Don’t Buy Anything)

Clothing verse Costumes: Our focus is on wearing historical clothing not historical costumes. Many people are overly enthusiastic and ending spending a large sum of money on costumes only to discover that while fun, these are not historically accurate. We what want to help you avoid this pitfall by offering loaner outfits to our guests. Please reach out to the New Member Liaison to inquire about the possible loan of an outfit as our supply is limited.


Stage Two: Apprentice

Building your Foundation

At this stage, we expect that you are formally joining HCA and will begin the process of building your own wardrobe. Please be aware that the creation of a historically accurate wardrobe requires a considerable investment of both time and money.

HCA has an extensive costume guidelines handbook with further details, and expectations regarding wardrobe.

It may take a full season or two of attending events to acquire these foundational items. Women’s foundational wardrobe include: Wrapper Wash Dress; Corset; Shoes; Hoop; Chemise, Drawers; Head covering. We suggest starting with these items because these items are foundational and will be appropriate for almost any persona.

If you are coming from a group with a different set of costume expectations/ guidelines, please feel welcome to join us “wherever you are” in your pursuit of historical accuracy.  As you grow in your appreciation of historical authenticity you will want replace costumes with historical clothing.


Stage Three: Journeyman

At this stage you have an idea about your desired impression for example a member of the town or a refugee. This will determine your clothing choices including day wear and accessories.


Stage Four: Oak Street Resident

At this stage you are refining your persona and expanding your wardrobe to include outwear, seasonal wear, regional fashion trends, and delving into more historical accuracy.


Creating a Historical Persona